Dan Williams
Teller County Commissioner
I am proud to endorse Jason Mikesell for Colorado Governor. Jason is the right leader at exactly the right time in Colorado’s history. Colorado is at an inflection point and at a crossroads. Coloradoans are facing real challenges, many of them urgent and critical. What is needed now more than ever is an experienced, compassionate and strong leader that really understands Colorado. I have stood shoulder to shoulder with Jason on the fire line during multiple wildland fires and at the legislature fighting for our constitutional rights and for the safety of our residents. I have watched the compassion he displays for everyone in the community, especially during crisis. He has been a public servant for over 25 years and a small and large business owner. As a 4th generation Coloradoan, he understands Colorado and can chart a course back to prosperity, fairness, and economic success. He will not pick winners and losers or force an ideology but will instead restore freedom to our state. He understands ranching, agricultural and the business community. He knows all 64 counties and respects local control and local leadership to include our law enforcement agencies. It’s time to bring Colorado back together again, to heal the divides and restore faith in our government for all of us who call Colorado home. Please join me in supporting Jason Mikesell as the next Governor of Colorado!
Erik Stone
Teller County Commissioner
For the last two decades, Colorado and its progressive leadership have driven Colorado away from it's roots and ignored our Western heritage. They have decriminalized crime, emptied prisons and encroached upon the day-to-day decisions of Coloradans to freely live and enjoy their lives. It's time that Colorado elected a governor who is a native Coloradan and understands the impacts of the soft on crime laws, the consequences of inflation higher than nearly any other state, and fights the infringement upon our Second Amendment rights. It's time for a new sheriff in town, and that is why I wholeheartedly endorse Jason Mikesell for governor of Colorado in 2026. From his humble beginnings growing up in the shadows of the mines of Cripple Creek, becoming a career deputy sheriff and then returning to serve his community as Sheriff after a successful private business venture, Jason Mikesell is the man to lead us back to being the safe, affordable and free state of Colorado.
Kellie Case
Mayor, City of Woodland Park
Fellow Coloradoans:
I am proud to endorse Jason Mikesell, Teller County Sheriff, as the next Governor of Colorado! While I regret not being able to stand with the leaders of Teller County during his announcement, I fully support his vision and commitment to our state.
Now more than ever, true Coloradoans must come together to restore the values that make our state strong. As a fifth-generation native from a Western Slope ranching family, I am honored to call Jason a friend and fellow public servant. His leadership, integrity, and dedication make him the right choice for Colorado to get back to the values that are truly Colorado! Join me in supporting Jason Mikesell for Governor on November 3, 2026!
God’s speed my friend!